Orientation Session for Newly Admitted Students Spring 2017

Orientation Session Spring 2017

On 4th April 2017 we arranged morning and evening orientation sessions on behalf of Virtual University of Pakistan for newly enrolled students of Spring 2017. It was designed to welcome new students, helping them uncover the answers to the questions they have, and providing them information about Virtual University programs and academic services. Over 155 students attended the Orientation Classes.

CEO Mr. Sohail Amir Khan addressed the students. The day included a VU academic portal introductory session, which was great opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with their academic programs. The theme of the orientation was: ONLINE LEARNING IS THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION. Latest technology videos are included in the orientation session to apprise students about the importance of Online Education in Future.

The Virtual University utilizes the services of the very best 264 PhD's and MPhil professors that the country has to offer. They belong to the best universities and other institutions of the country and are acknowledged masters of their subjects. We believe that once our students become expert in VULMS (Virtual University Learning Management System) then they can get expertise in any ON-LINE courses provided by world renowned universities. Session was followed by introduction of free training in VUCPL course to newly admitted students so that they can get competence in operating software related to their study.